Ugandan School Project

We're working with a Ugandan village to rebuild their primary school. Starting with the infrastructure, we have a long-term, sustainable plan for teacher sponsorship and training.


When Char was 22 years old, she spent 6 months in rural Uganda working at a children's development centre. Amongst all the wonderful children, she spent most time with Francis, who was the sharpest tool in the box.Nearly 15 years later, Char and Francis reconnected via WhatsApp. Francis is now a grown man with a wife and twin boys. Meanwhile, Char has spent her adult life working in not-for-profit organisations.**The pair decided to work together. **Francis is a teacher and had tried to re-start the near defunct school in his local village - St.Gyaviira Primary School - so that more children in his local area have access to education. The school was running until the covid pandemic hit and has been closed since. The existing classrooms aren't up to standard and they desperately need to construct pit latrines (toilet blocks) to ensure that children and teachers have a healthy environment.In August 2021, Char completed a 50-mile ultra marathon, raising over £1300. Within the next 2 months, two latrine buildings were completed. We need to raise more funds before starting the next phase of renovations.In 2022, Zoë from TEACH Online and Sam from Blockchain Liverpool joined the team as advisors and supporters.

pit latrine

What's next? We need you!

Can you help?

We've made great progress but we still need around £1500 to complete the full renovations.Take a look at the progress we've made to see how quickly your money will make a difference.

We're looking for:
> Companies about to make large (or not so large) donations,
> Individuals willing to give at least £15/month,
> Crytocurrency users happy to donate via Cardano.
Our aim is within 12 months to have enough money to get a full Primary School up and running, recruit new teachers and welcome children back.We're also very happy to receive one-off donations of any value.UPDATE 20/02/2023
Francis and his team have completed the new classroom block, right up to installing the roof. Now we need to render the walls and lay a floor. Can you help us to finish the work?

HOW TO DONATEThank you so much for supporting this project.Monthly
To donate a monthly regular donation of £15/month (or whatever you can afford) contact Char on [email protected] to set-up a standing order.
The school has partnered with Sam and team at Blockchain Liverpool who run the Cardano stake Pool, LiverPool [LIV]. In addition to using the Cardano platform for fundraising to build our school and train our teachers, we hope to explore further ways to use and learn about Cardano in the context of the Ugandan village.
The Cardano Liverpool Stake pool has been operational since day 1 on the main net and has been offering consistent and reliable performance. We have asked Blockchain Liverpool to manage the donation wallet whilst the school is being constructed.Donate via the QR code link below.

cardano image

One-off donation
You can make a one-off donation of any amount via our GoFundMe page here.
Transparency and accountability
We're looking into setting up as a UK registered charity but it is a long and arduous process and we want to make change happen ASAP. So for now, all the money is being collected in the UK in a personal bank account registered to Char that is ONLY used for this project. Meanwhile in Uganda, Francis has a personal savings account that similarly is only used for this project. In Uganda, the business accounts will be signed-off by the Chair of the School Governors and the local priest, since the school stands on land owned by the Catholic Church.


We'd love to hear from you:
[email protected]

Copyright 2023